Monday, December 20, 2010

On the advice of a professional........A Christmas Memory

Having grown up with little money but NEVER ever without I'm recalling a Holiday from long ago.  My twin brother, Ed and I must have been around the age of 4.  The picture, which I will scan later when I get home from work, is of the the two of us in long sleeve shirts and underwaear sitting with our Aunt JoAnn next to a newly setup cardboard fireplace.  I can remember waking up from a nap and all of the Christmas decorations were strewn across the living room.  It was a very exciting moment.  When we were babies, my mom had a friend that made Ed and I the most adorable Christmas stockings.  I still have them.  Anyway, we got to hang these adorable stockings on that cardboard fireplace.  That is the only time in which I remember this "fireplace".  I wish I could add in a funny story of how it was destroyed or some other misfortune that may have taken place.  But I just can not recall why I never remember seeing that fireplace again.  I do remember  little person thoughts I had though.   Like..................Is it a rule that you must set up a cardboard fireplace if you dont have a real one? This is kind of small.   Why cant we keep the fireplace up all year long?   If we didn't have this where would we hang our stockings.  Oops, it fell over!!!  Kind of flimsy, isn't it? 
I was able to locate this picture from the web.  

Pretty snazzy, huh!

and Old Fashion Ribbon Candy

I believe this was the same year that I got from Santa.................

I loved her. 
If not mistaken.  You slapped her butt and some sand jostled around and within several seconds Lazy Dazy fell over and went to sleep.  This was fine unless you were pushing Lazy Dazy in Pam Sims babydoll carriage and hoping everyone would admire my new addition.  Turns out that Christmas everyone on the block got

Baby Alive.  
And she did it all.
and most of all

Everyone enjoy your day.  And may you take time to recall a fond Christmas Memory.

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