Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pattern of Friendship

I wanted to quickly post this card I had made over the weekend.  It is a Stampin' Up! set called Pattern of Friendship.  Way back when it came out and I was still a Demo for SU,  I remember thinking to myself, "cute set but it really doesn't have many options for use".  So I passed the pre order purchase up.  Well that was in 2006.  Amazing how your styles and opinions can change in just a few short years.  When I discovered I was going to be participating in the "Happy Homemaker Tag" swap  I knew that I wanted this set for 2 reasons.  First one being..........the images are small enough to incorporate onto a tag .  And the second reason being was that it was sooo retro looking.  Boy, now if I had a fraction of the patterns I passed up at garage sales  I was fortunate to come upon these 4 patterns in a lot being sold on the evil EBAY! 

Are they not the most awesome?!

Here is the Card

Pay no attention to the stitching ....My sewing machine was acting up.
  I really liked how it came together.

  One of the nice "fringe" benefit of having teenagers is.........they are way into technical computer/electronic stuff.  So I asked that darling daughter of mine if she would take a couple of pictures for me.   I like how she arranged them in the photo box but she didn't use flash or the photo box lights so here is her photos.

This is all I have for the day.  I'm looking forward to lounging clothes and the television tonight.  New TV show Off the Map on tonight but I bet I dont make it that long 4:20 am comes awful early.   I'll get something else posted here in the next couple of days for your amusement.  But keep in mind my next off day is not until Sunday.  Which reminds me that it is Picket Fence Gals occassional sale today through Sunday.  Sunday's you get an extra 10% off.  I'm for sure going.   I'll post the pictures from that outing. 

Until we meet again enjoy your day and tell someone you love just how much you love them!  ( I just told my BFF Julie)


  1. Valerie, you are a girl after my own heart. I have done some tags with the pattern pieces and they are so fun. I love to find old patterns and use them in my crafts. Lovely post.

  2. Nice job, Val. Cute as ever.
