Monday, February 21, 2011

I'm getting lots of Stuff done today.............

Well it must be my "nesting" instincts prior to Vacation, because I really cant think of another reason I would be so on top of things on a Snowy Monday Morning.

I have created a 2 page Calendar of events, phone numbers, teenager expectations, where I will be and so on...................sent it in a Word document to all parties involved while we are out of the Country enjoying Sun, Surf and Margarita's.

We had another wholloping in the snow category again.   Geez!!! Cozumel is looking good to me.

On another note..............The Pioneer Woman (Whom I love) is having a give away on her blog leave a comment as to what is your favorite dessert.  You could get lucky and win this.  

Isn't it beautiful?
I just love the brightness of it all!

And as if that wasn't enough she has a brand new book out.  You can get a copy at my fav....Barnes and Noble.

Everyone enjoy your day!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy HomeMaker February Tag.

Boy was this a tough one!   Maybe it was because I waited until the last minute.  As you know my tag theme is about the Year in the Life of the Swansons.  And here are Margie and Neal at a Valentine Dance.

**Editors Note**  The Editor's Assistant (Darling Daughter) failed to photograph the displayed pieces in the "cheesy" little cardboard box aka professional photographers photo-shoot box.  She has been repremanded and put on notice failure to comply next month will result in cleaning the bathroom!

The Story..............

Neal and Margie Swanson were invited to a Valentine Dance hosted by the Maki's, Roy and Barb in the next town over.  It had been quite some time since Margie and Neal had been out and danced let alone invited to someone's home to "cut a rug".  Earlier in the day Margie could feel herself getting excited as she anticipated the nights activites.  Margie had picked up a new dress at Donaldson's shortly after the Christmas season when everything was marked down never knowing at the time she would have the perfect place to showcase it.  She set her hair in curlers the night before and woke up the following morning with a slight headache due to all the poking and prodding that happened on her head during the night.  Margie quickly got those curlers out first thing in the morning then took a Bufferin to eleviate the soreness.  Susie was sent to school  with her homemade Valentines in tow.  Before Margie could prepare her food items or herself  she needed to run to Kendall's Grocery Store for some items.   She prepared Liver Pate Spread as an appetizer and whipped up a batch of Lemon Bars for a sweet treat to go with coffee later in the evening.  It was hard getting the kids to settle down after dinner.  Susie was all a buzz about the many Valentines she received at school, especially the one from Ricky Martin.  Johnny didn't really understand why everything was red and pink or why there was sooo much more candy around than usual,  he just knew it was some sort of special day.  At 6:30 pm Neal's mother, Mary Lou,  arrived to sit with the kids for the evening.  MaryLou brought little homemade Valentines that she had made earlier in the day with the Ladies Guild.  Neal and Margie where finally on their way.  Margie was so excited she barely could contain herself.  As they pulled up in front of the Maki's.  Neal pulled out a small gift wrapped box and presented it to Margie.  She gasped then quickly opened her surprise.  It was BEAUTIFUL!  The Diamond Tennis Bracelet she had looked at when they both had stopped in Miller's Jewelry store last May.  Barb Maki had her house decorated to a "T".  In the bathroom there were tea towel with embroidered red hearts,  it was lovely.    Margie met a new couple that night.  Sharon and Ed Brandt.  Turns out Sharon is a "Tupperware" dealer and asked Margie if she would like to host an in-home party.  Margie was thrilled.  She had heard about Tupperware and had even seen a couple of Tupperware items at a potluck.  On the drive home she talked nonstop about this and Neal thought to himself......."Why would anyone be so enthralled by hard plastic"!